✨ Openings: Grounding Exercises for Students and Practitioners in
Spiritual Care and Psychotherapy is now available✨
To celebrate the launch, 20% off e-books until April 15th
Soul Care for Self-Injury: Theological Reflection and Spiritual Care Strategies
by Amy Panton
Interactive Resources and Spiritual Care Tools

The Healing Tree: Visualizing Growth for People who Self-Injure
The Healing Tree exercise is a powerful art-based intervention that allows individuals to externalize their experiences, strengths, and hopes in a visual format, providing a unique perspective on their personal growth and recovery journey.

Exploring Through Letters: A Creative Writing Exercise for Self-Compassion and Healing for Self-Injury
Letter writing is a powerful expressive tool widely used in therapeutic settings to help individuals explore emotions, gain new perspectives, and promote healing. This technique can be particularly beneficial for individuals who engage in self-injury, as well as their caregivers and family members as it offers a safe and structured way to explore complex emotions, gain new perspectives, and foster self-compassion.

Creating A "Hope Kit" for Self-Injury
A Hope Kit is a powerful resource for individuals who self-injure, offering a tangible reminder of strength, hope, and reasons to persevere during difficult moments. This guide can be used by individuals creating their own Hope Kit or by practitioners, including Spiritual Care providers, who wish to introduce this concept to those they support.